viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

1106 - The Deviants - 1969 - The Deviants 3

The Deviants - Billy The Monster (3:25)
The Deviants - Broken Biscuits (2:09)
The Deviants - First Line (Seven The Row) (2:46)
The Deviants - The People Suite (2:24)
The Deviants - Rumbling B(l)ack Transit Blues (5:37)
The Deviants - Death Of A Dream Machine (2:49)
The Deviants - Playtime (3:06)
The Deviants - Black George Does It With His Tongue (1:20)
The Deviants - The Junior Narco Rangers (0:29)
The Deviants - Let's Drink To The People (1:30)
The Deviants - Metamorphosis Exploration (8:54)

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